[3 Samples] Catholic Confirmation Letter to a Child


[3 Samples] Catholic Confirmation Letter to a Child

Confirmation is a sacrament in the catholic religion that prepares adults to join the church. The Confirmation is typically marked by a lavish party. 

Catholic confirmation letters are typically composed by the child's parents. This letter is an invitation to the confirmed candidate's family and friends.

It offers an acknowledgment of the child's outlook on life and religious convictions. 

Catholic confirmation letters may be written in a variety of styles. For instance, the priest or the child's parents could write it. 

The length of this letter does not follow a predetermined pattern. You are free to write as much as you like. 

However, a lengthy letter may occasionally fall short of capturing the true spirit of writing.

1. Encouragement letter for confirmation candidate


With great joy, we announce the happiest and most divine moment of our lives in this letter. Julia, our daughter, is now old enough to receive confirmation. On February 24, 2014, the prestigious Catholic Confirmation ceremony will be held at St. Sebastian Catholic Church, 67 D Howard Road, Ontario 4656.

After the confirmation ceremony, lunch will be served at "Dove Residence," where I live. We'll have a small gathering as well, which will be followed by supper. We ask that you come to this ceremony with your family since it is an important milestone in both our lives and the life of our daughter, Julia.

At 9:30 in the morning, the ceremony will start. Please accept this invitation by responding positively if you plan to attend. We hope to see you and your family at the event.

Regards and thanks

[Name of Recipient]

2. Confirmation retreat letter to daughter

Dear [Name of Recipient],

Congratulations on being confirmed! It is a happy start to a new life.

I vividly recall that of all the relatives in the family, you were the most devout. Before meals or any other significant event, you were always the first to begin praying. Since then, I have known that it was God's calling.

Take your trust farther now that you have fully accepted the Lord. Attend study sessions, read publications, tune in to Catholic radio, and otherwise develop your faith. 

Understand the Lord's teachings and how they apply to your choices. Give sacrificially to the neighborhood. 

Donate to people in need. You will become even more pious and aware of the many ways in which the Lord operates as a result.

I'm pleased to hear that you have been confirmed. I'll never stop asking God to bless you in your Catholic life.


[Name of Sender]

[Title of Sender] - Optional

[Attachments: number] It's optional.

Optional cc: [Name of copy recipient]

3. Sample confirmation letter from a parent

Hello, [Name]

Okay, Gabe. Regarding you, I was there and saw your very first moments of existence. I saw your first breaths. I was there when you initially stood up. 

You were initially knocked to the ground by me. And now I'm going to witness your initiation as a full adult Catholic member.

I was like, "DANG, now I have to write on my day off!" when my mother told me that I needed to write a letter for your confirmation retreat. 

However, after giving it some thought, I recalled my confirmation retreat and how awesome receiving all those letters was. I just want you to be aware of a few things right now. So pay attention JD/CF:

We both understand that I'm not the most holy person to have ever walked this great, green Earth. I certainly wouldn't be the first to inform you of that either (Mom would). I've valued my religion a lot my whole life. even if I attempt to make my mother crazy by convincing her differently.

You recall the day I had you sit on the floor in my room so we could converse. You were unaware of the fact that I had to visit the church and pray before I could speak to you. God didn't command me to make you sit on the ground, however. 

While there were plenty other areas where you might have sat. That's who I am. He did, however, direct me toward the proper words to use. The lesson of the tale is that you can always approach the big guy for assistance, regardless of your ability.

Now that I know you want to "sack up" and be a man, I hope you do someday. But having guns like mine or simply "sacking up" do not make a man. Being a man means having the respect and love of others.

You must be nice, trustworthy, loving, and respectful if you want to be loved and respected. Some even assert that a man must be holy in order to be a man. Dad is a prime example. We respect and adore our father. I have no qualms in stating that my father is one of the most holy and manliest men I know.

There is something there for you to consider. I am aware of your goodness. Never alter it in any way. I wish you luck throughout this period of your life. I am aware of the difficulties. 




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