Letter To Bank Manager For Amount Not Credited [3+ SAMPLES].
Hi friends! Today, in this blog post you'll explore Letter To Bank Manager for amount not credited to your bank account.
You may re-arrange the below Application Samples as per your prerequisite.
The following three Samples are drafted in a very simple English, so that the reader could understand it easily.
Format: Here, we followed the Latest Format, given by the CBSE curriculum.
SAMPLE 1: Letter To Bank Manager For Amount Not Credited.
24-Indumati Street
The Bank Manager
State Bank of India
Hyderabad Branch
New Holland Street - 500321
Hyderabad.The 18th January, 202#.
Subject, Application for Amount Not Credited.
Dear Sir,
With reference to the subject line aforesaid above, I beg to state that on 15th January, 202#, I had deposited a sum of Rs. 70,000/- in your branch to my Savings account. However, when I updated my bank passbook, it did not reflect the cash deposit transection.
The deposit confirmation copy is enclosed with this letter for your reference.My Account Information:
Account Holder: Anita D'Cruz
Account Number:XXXXXXXXXX
Registered Ph. No. 9400****31.Therefore, you're requested to kindly have a look into this subject matter and initiate with the necessary clarification.
Hoping for a favourable response from you and thanking you for the same.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Anita D'Cruz.
ALSO READ|Letter To Bank Manager To Change Account Type.
SAMPLE 2: Letter To Bank For Payment Not Received.
The Branch Manager
___________.Date : __/__/____.
Subject: Non-payment of cash deposited.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am ____________, would kindly like to apprise you that I had deposited a sum of Rs. 40,000/- in my Account, A/C Number _____________. I was shocked to learn that there was no any deposit record in my passbook when I updated it on 12th October.
Therefore, I request you to look into the matter as soon possible.
Necessary documents are enclosed with this letter.Thank you!
Yours Sincerely,
Name : ____________
Phone Number : _____________
Signature : ___________________.
SAMPLE 3: Application For Cash Deposited In CDM But Not Credited.
Address of the sender.To,
The Bank Manager
Name of the Bank
Bank Branch Name
Address.Date : Sep, 20 202#.
Subject, Non-credit of cash deposited at CDM.
Respected Sir,
I am Priyanka Aggarwal, writing this letter to inform you that yesterday my cousin deposited amounted Rs. 40,000/- at the CDM of our colony. However, when I updated my passbook this morning I was upset to notice that the deposited cash by my cousin was not yet credited in my bank account.
This morning, I have informed the issue to the customer care but I have not received any response as yet.
Therefore, It is my humble request to kindly check the issues with my back deposit and comes up with a positive feedback.
CDM Slip
Aadhar Card Xerox Copy
Voter ID Card Xerox Copy
Residential Certificate.Yours Sincerely,
Amit Tiwari
A/C Number : 4001-4753-3688.
IFS Code : B-241
Transection Number : _______
Signature : __________________.
To Conclude
As you've got the hang on Letter To Bank Manager For Amount Not Credited, how easi it it!
Hopefully, you've got the idea of drafting Letter to Bank Manager.
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