How to Write Complaint Letter to Police for Not Return Money Back?
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Today, in this blog post you'll explore, "How to write a Complaint Letter to POLICE to not Return Money Back ? 2 letter Samples in the latest format"
Since, it is a complaint letter to the police we must follow some LAWS, important points and Professional
Firstly let's learn,
What is a complaint letter to the police?
Generally, a complaint letter to the police is written to appeal for legal action, it may complain about lost items, assault, or disturbance of any kind.A complaint letter is a written Complaint Letter to the POLICE to not Return Money to Back an individual or company who wants to object to something.
The letter is addressed to the police department or to the SHO seeking legal action to be taken over the issue.
What is the purpose of a complaint letter to the police?
This letter is meant as an official document to support an investigation and a documented for footnotes in the future.
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How to write a complaint letter to the police for not returning money?
- Include your name and address clearly in the left-right corner.
- Address the relevant authority properly.
- Mention the address of the Police station; pin code and state.
- Mention the date appropriately.
- Write the subject clearly, and station your issues in a single line.
- Include the place, date, time and where the event occurred.
- Describe your problem straight away.
- Suggest what you would like to be done.
- You must provide evidence to support the complaint.
- You can state which department you wish to deal with your case.
- Use official content and formal language.
- Your letter should be short and sweet to the point.
- Draft your letter on A4 size paper with proper margins, in case you writing in ink.
- Better to print out the letter Professionally.
1. Letter FORMAT of Police Complaints.
1. Sender's Address
Lower Colony-25
New Delhi.
2. Recipient Address
The Superintendents of police
Gandhi Nagar Police Station
Caroline Street - 72
New Delhi.y
3. The Date of sending
The 24th October, 202#.
Subject, Complaint regarding Non-Refund of money.
5. Greeting
Dear Sir/Madam,
6. Letter Body
I hereby write this letter to bring to your kind attention that, last year I lend Mr. Tony Stark, residence of 23- Gandhi Nagar, Mumbai, amount $50,000 on an agreement to repay me back the money after one year along with 4% intrest.
However, he didn't take any responsible for the loan and he is in an act of not returning my money.
Kindly, look into this matter as soon as possible so that I may get my money back.Thank you!
Name: Priyanka AggarwalContact Details:Signature:
I've enclosed the proof documents with this application.
ASLO READ|Loan Application Letter to Bank Manager.
2. Sample 1: How to write a complaint letter to SHO to not return money back? (by individual).
The Station House Officer,
[__________________________]Date : [_/__/______]
Subject, [_______________________]
Respected Sir,
I am [___________], residence of [___________], writing this Complaint letter to bring to your kind attention that Mr. Steve Rogers who is a banker in SBI, is under debt of mine. He made a promise to repay me back the loan amounted $70,000/- along with 4.5% intrest in cash after 2 years.
However, after crossing the maturity period he refused to provide me the 4.5 percent intrest.
Therefore, it's a humble request to take lawful action on this case urgently.
Thank you!
Yours Sincerely,
Francis Paul
Contact information :
Signature: [______________].
ALSO, READ| Employee Resignation letter.
3. Sample 2: Complaint Letter Sample to POLICE for not Return Money Back (by Company).
[Name of the Company]
[Address of the Company].To
The Superintendent
[Name of the Police Station]
[Address].Date : April, 24th 202#.
Subject, Complaint on debt upon Reliance Company Pvt. Ltd.
Dear Sir,
With reference to the subject aforesaid, I would like to make an official complaint. My name is [___________] and over the last 4 months, we have been struggling to get our refund back of 12% Debentures from Reliance Company Pvt. Ltd.
According to the agreement the final payment must be due befor the 4th of this month. However, for the last two months since then and I have sent multiple letters of reminders.
Therefore, we wish to request to open an investigation into this matter as soon as possible, so that we may obtain the 12% Debentures.
Hoping for a favourable response from you.
Yours sincerely,
[Your name]
[Personal Contact Number].I've enclosed the necessary document.
READ| Letter to Bank For Closing Loan A/c.
As you've seen how comfortable and simple is it to write a Complaint Letter to Police for not Return Money Back.
Isn't it?
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