Half-Day Leave Application for Doctor Appointment [5 Samples]

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Half-Day Leave Application for Doctor Appointment [5 Samples]

Even, if your writing skills in English are poor, you can easily write them if you understand this article.

However, Half Day Leave Application Letters follow a specific pattern and specific format as it is a Formal Letters. 

Therefore, I highly recommend you to read this article carefully because each and every important point is explained with the help of some Samples.

Half Leave Application for Doctor Appointments is required when a student or employee is a need of a break from his/her school or job for a particular period.

So, an employee or student is compelled to draft an application stating the reason for Leave and the number of days of leaves required.

So now, without letting you be bored, let's learn something new today. You may want to know whether hard water damages your hair.

How do write write a leave application for Doctor appointments?

  • Start your application with 'Sender Address' (address of the sender).
  • Include 'the Dates' after leaving a line.
  • Thirdly, write the 'Receiver's Address' in not more than four lines.
  • Mention the purpose of writing the application, 'the Subject'.
  • Address the receiver with respect like, "Respected sir/Madam" which is known as 'Salutation'.
  • Describe your issue and request in detail in the 'Letter Body' after leaving a line.
  • Include the 'Complimentary Closure' to show your respect and appreciation for the person who is considering the request in your application. 
  • Finally, after leaving a line covering the 'Name & Signature' of the sender.
  • Never do double writing no matter what.
  • Ensure that you give a proper margin in every corner.
  • The leave application should not be more than one page.
  • Always attach a medical certificate in case of illness.
  • Always choose A4 size paper to write a professional Leave Letter.
  • Always write the letter in blue ink pen.
  • Never make any errors in grammatical terms or spelling mistakes.

1. Half-day leave application Format for doctor appointments.

Sender’s Name 
Sender's Address

Receiver’s Name
Receiver's Address

Dated : 12th November, 20##,

Subject, Prayer for half day leave.

Respected Mr. /Mrs. (Name of the recipient)
Or Sir/Madam,

I am writing this application letter to notify you that I am suffering from a [write your problem here] and therefore, I need leave after lunch break i.e., after 12 pm. As notified by my doctor, to have a medical checkup this afternoon for this I had an appointment with the Doctor. 

Therefore, Kindly grant me a half day leave for today only. The letter from the doctor is also attached for your reference.

I hope you will understand this matter and grant me leave for the aforementioned period. 

Waiting for your kind approval.

Yours Sincerely,
[Your Name]
[Contact detail].

READ• School Attendance Policy Letter To Parents.

Half Day Leave Application for Doctor Appointments (5+ Samples & How to write).

2. Half-day leave application Samples for a doctor appointments.

The Principal,
Nampui Memorial English School
Caroline colony, Badalpur

Dated : 15th August, 202#.

Subject, Half Day leave application.

Respected Sir,

With due respect and humble submission I would like to state that I am in the need of Half Day leave today after 5th period as I have an appointment with Doctor for medical checkup. 

Therefore, it is a humble request to grant me a half day leave for today only.

Thank you
Yours faithfully,
Name : Shakti Singha
Class : V (A)
Roll No.: 72.

READComplaint Letter To School Principal About Teacher.

3. Half-day leave application for a doctor's appointment at School.

The Headmaster,
Hindustan English School
Narrow Hill - 75372
New Delhi.

Dated : August 17th, 202#.

Subject: Application leave due to appointment.

(Through the class teacher of class VII).

Respected Sir,

With due respect and honour it is to state that I witnessed blood since this morning during brushing. I don’t know from which time I am suffering from tooth decaying as I recently noticed this horrible change in my oral health. I had fixed an appointment with my dentist and he advised me to get surgery of it at the earliest. 

Therefore, I request you to give me leaves from 4th Period for the whole process.

I shall be very grateful to you for your kindness.

Yours faithfully,
Narayan Singh
Class : VII (B)
Roll Number :12
Contact Number : 987363728.

ALSO, READ | 10+ Sick Leave Application Samples.

4. Half-day leave application for a doctor appointment for College.

The Principal
College Name
College Address

Date : Tuesday, 17th July, 202#.

Subject, Prayer for Half Day Leave.

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am Rajesh Rai from Commerce stream, B.com 2nd Semester( day shift) would like to request for half day leave because I have a Doctor's appointment for medical checkup in ABC Civil Hospital, Caroline Road, New Delhi.

Kindly do consider the sensitivity of the case and grant me a leave after lunch break.

Yours faithfully,
Name :
Class :
Roll Number :

5. Half-day leave application for a doctor appointment to Office.

Rajeev Sharma
24/House - 24
Lokhande, Mumbai 

The Secretary
Jio Entertainment Co.Ltd
Police Bazar - 500785

7th May, 20##.


Subject, Application for Half day leave.

I am writing this letter to state that I need a half day leave as I have an appointment with Doctor for medical checkup and I will be back to my work after the checkup which is likely to complete after Lunch.

I have managed to complete all my assigned tasks this morning in advance and for further query, please feel free to contact me on my number (Your number).

Kindly, accommodate me a leave so that I can enjoy the upcoming bright days happily and without any health issues.

Your’s Sincerely,
Rajeev Sharma.

READ• Application for family.

Half Day Leave Application for Doctor Appointments (5+ Samples).
Half Day Leave

FAQ on Half Day leave. 

1. Who to write half day leave application


  • Start the letter with the sender's address at the left top corner.
  • Write the reader's address (Receiver's Address)
  • Include the correct date
  • Write the subject in not more than 2 lines.
  • Address the receiver by his/her name or as Respected Sir/Madam.
  • Write the letter body in detail. In the letter body, including the reason of leave, the period of leaving.
  • Include the complementary closure in not more than 10 words.
  • Mention the name and address of the sender.

2. How do you ask for a half day at work?


Respected Sir,

It is stated that I need a few hours of the work-day off due to health issues. I am a very punctual employee and such an inconvenience has not occurred before. It so happens that my doctor is coming to at my house for medical checkup.

Therefore, I request you to grant me a leave for today only.


3. Can I take half-a day of sick leave?


Any student or employee can take half a day of sick leave as and when required by sending a professional Leave Application to the principal or manager.

4. How many hours is a half-day work?


Half Day work is considered till the afternoon i.e., leaving after 12 pm is accepted as a half day. 

5. Why do I need to write Half Day leave application for doctor's appointment? 


Half Leave Application for Doctor Appointments is required when a student or employee is a need of a break from his/her school or job for a particular period.

So, an employee or student is compelled to draft an application stating the reason for Leave and the number of days leaves required.

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Hopefully, you've learnt how to write, " Half Day Leave Application for Doctor Appointments" in a very simple way and got the ideas through the above samples.

Do you still have any doubts?

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Although, I've put my efforts into preparing this article and if you have any writing tips you think we missed out, then shout out in the comments section below.

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